What separates the possible from the impossible? The line is not as settled as we imagine. That project you’ve always dreamed of completing—possible . . . or impossible? That change you would see in your neighborhood, your city, your country, or that idea few people know about or even dare to look for—all raise questions about the limits of our imagination and the fluidity of what’s possible.

TEDxFSCJ Salon: Leonardos of the 21st Century

2019 marks the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci, the quintessential Renaissance man or “polymath” whose genius spanned an astonishing array of disciplines.

Human Rights Salon

TEDxFSCJ Salon: What are Human Rights?

Human rights have been called the dominant moral vocabulary of our time—but how do human rights affect the everyday lives of ordinary people?


Women the world over are challenging the status quo - they’re rising up, breaking out, and pushing boundaries.


TEDxFSCJ Salon: Fearless Innovation

What trait takes someone from being clever and imaginative to being innovative? Fearlessness.